Tag: javascript

  • The Importance of the key Prop in React.js for Optimal Rendering Performance

    The Importance of the key Prop in React.js for Optimal Rendering Performance

    When building dynamic lists in React, the key prop plays an essential role in optimizing performance and ensuring a smooth user experience. In this post, we’ll explore why key is necessary, how React uses it to keep track of elements in the DOM, and common pitfalls developers encounter when not using key correctly. By understanding…

  • Understanding Closures in Javascript

    Understanding Closures in Javascript

    Closures are one of the most powerful and often misunderstood features of JavaScript. They allow inner functions to access variables from an outer function, even after the outer function has returned. This unique behavior can be crucial when writing more modular, maintainable code. But… Alonso VazquezWeb developer with over ~6 years of experience. I am…

  • Document Object Model (DOM)

    Document Object Model (DOM)

    The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation of the structure and content of a web page. This representation is as nodes or objects allowing programs to interact with the page and change the document structure, style and even content. A web page can be can be either displayed in a browser window or as…

  • Create a phone mask on React.js w/o libraries

    Create a phone mask on React.js w/o libraries

    Recently I had to create a form that includes a phone number input. Such number input had to had some validations and an input mask to display properly the phone number. Nowadays there are a different npm packages that might help with this task (like react-input-mask), but from times to times, you want to do…